Author: Gracie

Always a patch of ice…

It never ceases to amaze me, the way that my head can take over. Even when everything in my life is a blessing I have to muck it up for myself. Hmm… I’m not particularly unhappy, I’m just finding myself more emotional than usual (which can be embarrassing) and...

today I feel lucky…

Yesterday was the most extraordinarily perfect display of Murphy’s Law I have ever seen. Everything that could go wrong, did. Argh! I felt so crazy. So today I feel as if everything is just fine!
Not a bad place to be:)
Anyhoo… tonight I am going to study my...

I think I may have spoken too soon.

Thanks to my lovely sister lilpeace, I am apologizing to all those who may have found my last entry offensive. I think I drew conclusions too quickly and I should’ve been more patient with the idea. Eh! Better to make the mistake and work to think differently than hold...

Apparently, today is self-injury awareness day…

and I think that’s pretty interesting.
Anyhow, I never really had a problem with that, but I had a couple of goes with it. I knew a bunch of people who did have a problem though. I suppose my only qualm with it is that I know that this...

106, and still counting…

Yesterday my great grandma turned 106. Every year is a miracle with her. It was a fun birthday party. There are always new babies to see, and I got to introduce Jeff as my addition to the family.
It’s funny. My great grandma had 2 daughters, and now there...

this is funny

Insanity Test

Well I could go for an icy cold… NOT WORK right now.

it’s just that it’s Friday. And I’m seriously mentally done with everything for the week. D-O-N-E.
So yeah. I plan to go home and snuggle with my Jeff, and relax. Yes.
Anacat- we need to go to more concerts and get info about that African dance class. So much...

Umm, I feel stupid or something…

I’ve already mentioned that it’s prez-day, and there is just me and 2 other temps here. But I just heard that one of them is “in charge” today. A little disturbing considering I’ve been working here for 2 years. The person in charge has only been here since August....