Author: Gracie

Check your seafood…

I ate some bad clams last night and today at work. Now I feel completely wretched. My stomach is playing some wicked joke on me. Well, hopefully this will pass soon. At least I’m in good spirits.… Continue Reading...



Your Brain’s Pattern

Your mind is a creative hotbed of artistic talent.
You’re always making pictures in your mind, especially when you’re bored.
You are easily inspired...


My fucking ears!

Other than that, I’ve had a relatively pleasant day. No work, some homework, but mostly fun. So yeah, all is well in Graceland.

Jeff and I got a $180 gas bill last month. It was funny (not ha ha, but you know) because we are so conservative about...

So yesterday…

Was great! We had dinner with Jeff’s fam, which was cool, and then went to my folks house. It’s funny how the simplest things are now the most precious to me (like spending time with family on a birthday). On top of that, I feel an overflow of love...

Argh! My ears!

For the past 2 days I’ve had this strange thing happening in my ears. It’s like my ears need to pop or something. Everything outside of my head is kind of muffled, but if I chew or something I can hear that more than ever. It’s really strange, and...

A myth busted!

I had heard a while ago that “Locks of Love” was a scam, and they made wigs for celebrities, etc. Today I find out that it is untrue. They are a legitimate organization. The only time that they sell the hair at market value is when the hair is...

oh yeah…

Note to Alexa and Diane- sorry I didn’t end up calling the other night. I was out a little later than I had hoped and I had to get up at 6am the next day. Can you ever forgive me?
Soon we will all hang out, yes?…

A million little lies…

I haven’t read the book, but I’ve seen it and heard about it. It continues to amaze me how profitable deception is these days. Is there any reason that our parents teach us not to lie when we are children?

Quote of the day:
“I suppose everyone is somewhat...

Today is full of possibilities!

So yesterday I took the day off work and volunteering to attend the funeral of my Great Uncle Denny. It was sad, but beautiful. I don’t know any of my other great uncles like I knew him. He was funny, bright, active, spiritual, and full of love. It was...


Sono così arrabbiato con voi! Truffate e voi bugia! Se non fossi così stupido, si sarebbe conclusa gli anni fa! Ed ora, lo incitate a soffrire. Che cosa potrei fare per renderli arrabbiati? Ero niente ma un amico bello a voi. Rifiutate di darmi il rispetto ora. Lo desiderate...