Day 5
Still doing well with no smoking. I feel better and better about it. I feel even more encouraged when I start coughing- I know that I’m healing already.
I’ve been encountering issues with friends that have sparked some interest in me. Some friends are dealing with some serious stuff-...
Day 4 and i’m still smoke-free. I feel sooooo excited about this!
That’s all. Yup. Grace the non-smoker is pleased.… Continue Reading...
oh my oh my
I have gone 16 hours and 16 minutes without a cigarette. I feel grody, but surprisingly calm. YAY me for trying again! YAY!
The only thing that sucks is that I really want to smoke… go figure. But I think I will be able to surrender that and make...
Hum de dum…
I am struggling a little. My friend’s dad is dying of cancer. He has 2-8 weeks. I saw him yesterday. He looked like a small little dying man. I’m gonna miss him. I’m mostly sad for her. She still needs him. I suppose we have to trust the universe...
Another thing to figure out
I found out Saturday that I lost another friend. I’m more sad about it than I would have anticipated. I’ve known him since I was 15, and although he was never someone I thoroughly confided in, I loved him. God, I just wish that his last day on Earth...
Updating now…
Today was nice. I was in a sour mood earlier, but that’s always remedied by a little dog-wrestling and a nice talk over coffee.
Jeff is super cute lately. He’s brewing beer, and he just bottled the first batch. 14 days to go and then we can have people...
blah blah blah
Grace will have to write: |
I will support my government through all of its idiotic decisions |
‘What will you have to write on the chalk board?’ at |
Just a bit of silliness really…
Find your pack!
I’ve been having a few issues with disapointment lately. I’ve felt like I don’t have the same kind of unconditional, trusting love for people that I used to have. I’ve mourned this like it was a death in the family. An old friend that kept me grounded and hopeful....