Author: Gracie

Pumpkins will save us

As much as I don’t want Jeff to have to work on Saturdays, I really appreciate my home-alone time in the mornings. It’s so sunny and quiet and slow.
I need to spend more time with my little brother.
I just read an article about how pumpkins help prevent...

I finally made it!

I saw this lovely recipe a long while ago and I’ve since been dying to make it: Farmgirl’s Savory Tomato Pesto Pie. Lemme tell you, well worth the wait! It was fabulous. Aside from the general feeling of accomplishment one gets from cooking something beautiful, oozie, and golden brown...

It’s fall again. Time to cross the big road.

Today I did lots of manual labor, and I’ve either damaged my lower back or I’m growing crazy strong muscles back there.
My coworker got canned today. Apparently he was gonna quit anyhow. I sorta knew it was coming, but for some reason I feel sad about it. Like...

I wish i’d stop feeling so bloaty

Tonight I’m going to Chris’ house cuz Jeffy is having band practice. Somedays I don’t mind hearing the songs for the 3 billionth time, and others, well, I’d just rather get out. So we be making fajitas and watching Arrested Development (I’ve only seen a couple of episodes, but...

Today I was inspired.

    Sometimes I forget that I live near so much beauty. I regularly become giddy over my garden or my pup or my Jeff or my friends; why do I overlook everything else? I suppose it has much to do with the monotony of everyday outside of home. Today...

a surprisingly funny one

What Completely and Utterly Random Object Are You?

Teach Yourself Piano VHS Cassette

You are a Do-It-Yourself Piano Video. You’re good, very good. A gifted artist who wants to share his/her gifts...

It’s a beautiful Sunday… what should i do?

Last night was nice 🙂 My hubs and I cooked dinner together. It was delicious. Scalloped potatoes, a veggie stir-fry thingy, and chocolate chip butterscotch bars ala mode. Yippee! Sometimes the simplest things we do together are the best.
I then proceeded to whoop him in Scrabble. I feel...

Ugga wugga

I had kind of a rough day yesterday, but it’s just one of those things… for balance I guess. I did get to see An Inconvenient Truth again, so that was great and awe inspiring. Afterwards my sisters and my bro-in-law went to my parent’s house for flourless cake....

a simple life

Today I was talking to someone and the word “folks” came up. He thought it was a weird word, and I think it’s a marvelous word. Whatever, but it got me thinking about those questions at the end of Inside the Actors Studio and I realized I’m really interested...