Author: Gracie

I voted :)

So that’s good and all. I feel good about my choices.

I got to thinking about the concept of favorites. It really doesn’t make much sense to me anymore. Obviously there is the need to relate a preference to others, the need to express a deep affection for something,...

Doobedy doo

I actually had a really pleasant day… but then right at the end- when I was mere moments from going home- WHAM. No more happy mood. Grr. It’s partially because of a temporary hormonal imbalance, but also because i don’t like bullshit. Maybe it’s not really any silly syndrome,...

Coffee is really good.

So it only took me about, hmm…FOREVER to get my password working… i kept signing in and they kept tellin me it was incorrect. Grrr. Now I’ve forgotten what I wanted to say and I’m just updating on principle.

The elections are Tuesday. I know who I’m voting for, but...


There are so many good things in the world.

I notice that I’m prone to these revelations from time to time.

I got home from work today feeling overwhelmed and unsatisfied. I saw a pile of dishes in the sink and Jeff...

This is my United States of Whateva!

I did everything today. It’s amazing to think that for the past four days I’ve been so weak and grody, and then BAM! I’m back and saucy as ever. Woohoo!
I cleaned the entire house, cleaned out the fridge (craziness, I don’t know why i did that), harvested the...

I feel alllllriiiiight

So my brain started working again this morning!

Now I have this overpowering urge to clean everything. That’s lame though, so I’m stalling.

Nope, gotta go clean. I’ll do a better update after all that lameness is over.… Continue Reading...


Sniffle, snort, snufalufagus

Do you know that feeling you get when your brain doesn’t work? No? I don’t either.

I’m still sick, and I’m on the verge of pathetic at this point. I am the all-mighty snot monster. Hear my cry.

Some sick quotes:
“Health is not simply the absence of sickness.” -Hannah Green

I’m back and I’m sick. poop.

I had a great time, but I’ve come down with something gross and I’ve been moping around all day.
However, I do have some fun pictures! So it can’t all be bad, right?

The first full day was...

I’m off like a prom dress!

In approximately 4 hours I will be on the road to Nashville, TN. Woohoo! The weather should be about 15 degrees warmer, and the best part is I get to see my Katy.
The plan so far is to eat really well, see lots of live music, and party...

For my prego* sister

These are a few pictures of my sister (she’s prego*).
8 weeks

12 weeks