This is where the whole world keeps on turnin…
Today marks six weeks postpartum, which basically means that this is as normal as it’s gonna get for a while. I’m physically safe to workout again, which I’m surprisingly siked about. I always enjoyed getting out and doing things- so I got exercise, but I’ve never really wanted to...
Use it or lose it
Tomorrow is the content strike– check it out if you’re interested in participating. I won’t be posting or commenting tomorrow.
My feeble attempt at maintaining order… You would think that staying home with a baby would allow me more time for housework and projects...
May the sun rise up to meet you.
My friend sent me this article the other day. This is a controversial subject. When I followed some of the links, some women were actually disgusted by the idea of an orgasm during birth. Some women really value the separation that the hospital provides for them. They want...
I couldn’t help myself
Recently I saw this video- It’s nothing that I didn’t know before, but it’s still revealed some new truth for me- new ways of looking at things. I highly recommend you take the 20 minutes to watch it. I really felt like it was a concise and...
Here we go…
Today Vera is exactly four weeks old. She is one day shy of a month old. It feels like I gave birth yesterday but also forever ago. Like, I can’t believe she’s been here for a whole month, but I can’t believe I was without her (on the outside,...
March is the month with spring!
Sleep deprivation can really change a person’s perspective… I only got about 4ish hours of staggered sleep last night. It was hard because Vera has spoiled me with solid 4 hour blocks of sleep and nursing back to sleep breaks in between. Now she’s going through this growth spurt....
An activity a day…
…keeps stir-craziness at bay!
Lately I’ve had one big thing each day to keep me occupied and active. I tell you this has worked wonders for me! I can do this if that’s all it takes. I can totally find one thing to do that gets me out every day....
Happy leap year!
stir-crazy: adj. Informal.
Distraught or restless from long confinement in or as if in prison.
Well, prison is a bit much, but still…
This morning I had been up for less than 2 hours and I couldn’t stand it anymore. Today was supposed to be a really active day, and because of...
I might explode
I’ve gotta make this quick! I’m heading out again today to hang out with my sister. I tell ya, it makes a big difference in my mood now that I’m getting more fresh air. Yesterday was a big day. We got Vera’s birth certificate, visited both my office and...
So yeah, basically I’ve become fond of the nickname “Squeaker” lately.
I’m going to visit both sets of my grandparents today. It will be our first big excursion, as they both live about an hour away. I must bring lots of diapers- I learned the hard way last...