Author: Gracie

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I’m home. It was a great time. I got home and the house was clean and Jeff was making me dinner. He had cleaned out more of the raised beds, done some laundry, mowed the lawn… he’s my favorite. I did miss him, and I was glad to be...

A quick one…

I’m going to Columbus this weekend to visit 

 with Gretchen and Tuula. It will be a baby spectacular! I’ll miss Jeff, but it’ll be nice to take a trip. It’s funny having...


During labor, there was the contraction- and it took all of my concentration for about 30 seconds, and then I’d get a couple of minutes to regroup and prepare for the next one. Then, after almost two days of...

Today I felt so MOM

…and not really in a good way. All morning I was running around and cleaning and whatnot, I visited with a friend for a while and went walking, then I had to deal with a very fussy hiccuping Vera until she passed out. I exercised, and then I caught...

And I thought I’d have “free time”… heh.

I think with the combination of lots of April things happening with family, the weather turning all sorts of gorgeousness, and having a baby that wants to nurse, poop, squirm, dance and play… well. My life has been swallowed up. by good things. I am a happy busy lady.


Family. my thoughts. a squirmy baby. resting.

We said goodbye to my brother yesterday. He won’t be back to visit until Christmas. It was good, all in all. He has shown me that I don’t need to worry about him like I thought I did. My sister and I were concerned for a minute there. I...

My nose is dancing

It smells so good in my house lately. Last night I had Jeff’s parents over to celebrate his dad’s birthday. He requested meatloaf, brussel sprouts, mashed potatoes, and hot fudge pudding cake. All of it was pretty standard except I decided to make “birthday meatloaf” and I did a...

La la la.

Jeff came home from work today and we were joking around. I was telling him that I had a moment today where Vera was so happy and smiley and small and warm and I thought “No! She can’t grow up! How can I stand to lose my BABY?!?” He...

I might die from this…

You think of all the things you might die from… cancer, disease, old age (of course the preferable option), diving in front of a bus heroically saving a little kid… In all my life I never considered I might die from being a mom. The other day Vera was...

Mmmhmm good.

Where to start… I’ve had a good couple of days. I’ve been thinking a lot about how being Vera’s mom is going to change me (for the better). Basically I keep thinking about all of the things that I want her to know about life- and that makes me...