A quick one…
I’m going to Columbus this weekend to visit
with Gretchen and Tuula. It will be a baby spectacular! I’ll miss Jeff, but it’ll be nice to take a trip. It’s funny having to...
Today I felt so MOM
…and not really in a good way. All morning I was running around and cleaning and whatnot, I visited with a friend for a while and went walking, then I had to deal with a very fussy hiccuping Vera until she passed out. I exercised, and then I caught...
And I thought I’d have “free time”… heh.
I think with the combination of lots of April things happening with family, the weather turning all sorts of gorgeousness, and having a baby that wants to nurse, poop, squirm, dance and play… well. My life has been swallowed up. by good things. I am a happy busy lady.
Family. my thoughts. a squirmy baby. resting.
We said goodbye to my brother yesterday. He won’t be back to visit until Christmas. It was good, all in all. He has shown me that I don’t need to worry about him like I thought I did. My sister and I were concerned for a minute there. I...
My nose is dancing
It smells so good in my house lately. Last night I had Jeff’s parents over to celebrate his dad’s birthday. He requested meatloaf, brussel sprouts, mashed potatoes, and hot fudge pudding cake. All of it was pretty standard except I decided to make “birthday meatloaf” and I did a...
La la la.
Jeff came home from work today and we were joking around. I was telling him that I had a moment today where Vera was so happy and smiley and small and warm and I thought “No! She can’t grow up! How can I stand to lose my BABY?!?” He...
I might die from this…
You think of all the things you might die from… cancer, disease, old age (of course the preferable option), diving in front of a bus heroically saving a little kid… In all my life I never considered I might die from being a mom. The other day Vera was...
Mmmhmm good.
Where to start… I’ve had a good couple of days. I’ve been thinking a lot about how being Vera’s mom is going to change me (for the better). Basically I keep thinking about all of the things that I want her to know about life- and that makes me...
I’m sore, but in a really good way…
You know that deep burn that you get the day after a good workout, the kind that leaves you really feeling your body and muscles and stretching takes on this kind of heavenly pain? Well, I’ve got that. I started this new postnatal exercise regimen that really makes you...