Happy Birthday Gretchen!
Lately I find myself trying to find the tiniest bit of time for myself. Time not doing dishes or trying to catch up on anything, just by myself and peaceful and quiet. That always seems to land at about 10:30 or 11 and night, and so I plop in...
Win a Bum Genius 3.0 Starter Kit from Nature’s Child – Wholesome Goods for Mothers and Babies
Sorry about the spam- I want free diapers!… Continue Reading...
...Be a bricklayer.
Jeff’s a drummer. He’s in a band with two friends that plays around locally. He has a gig tonight. Last night his shoulder was flaring up a bunch from his accident. It looks like he did injure it some, seems like a bad strain. Sometimes it feels fine, but...
Birth Story… finally!
Some parts were pulled from things I previously wrote about the birth, so if something looks familiar, that’s why. Anyway, here it is.
The Birth of Vera Jean
I feel pretty grateful most of the time, I think. I have gratitude lists strewn about my house, literally (my dad makes these little gratitude notepads that I have a ton of). I feel relatively blessed in the life and love department most days, and yet I can’t seem...
I just saw a video on why it’s a good idea to eat bugs. Now I’m scouring the internet for more information… More to come on this, I’m sure! So i was getting all crazy overwhelmed with life and all the stuff I consistently have...
Today was my sleep-in day, and man did I need it. I slept until 10:30, and I haven’t done that in a long time. I always feel a little disgusting after I sleep in. I prefer not to do it often, but I think my body will thank me...
I hope you all don’t mind my once every few days entries that bombard you with pictures- lately it seems like it’s all I can manage. I think about all the things I’d like to talk about, and maybe I can remember a couple of things by the time...
Already I have: I won’t whine too much about the heat, but I feel it needs mentioning. I think it’s less the heat than it is the humidity. Hard. to. move. Although it hasn’t stopped me from doing anything. A couple of days ago, in 90 degree heat in the sun I...
The secret of the universe… maybe.
It’s sometimes hard to find the time…
Quite a morning…
*gotten mad at Jeff for something that I thought he misplaced but it turned out I had. *doh*
*spilled my kefir smoothie all over myself and the floor and counter and trash can and dog (although the dog didn’t mind one bit).
*accidentally whacked my poor...