I’m in love…
Did you know that? I’m madly, wildly, almost-too-much-to-bear in love with my little girl.
This morning my friend was (with the purest of intentions) talking to me about how the past couple of years of my life I’ve been really giving...
Another big ol’ post. :)
This Saturday Jeff and I put the garden to bed for the year. I’m a bit sore, but I’m glad it’s done. First we laid newspaper over all of the sod where we plan to expand the garden. Then we got a bunch of composted manure and spread it...
Ramble ramble
I know I was supposed to do a post about food, but it’ll have to wait. I’m bound to talk about food in this post, so that should count, right? Right. I think part of my reluctance is because I’ve been thinking a little TOO much lately, about everything...
I’m loving fall this year. It seems really colorful, and the weather has been really mild lately. Today was drizzly and breezy but 70 degrees! I stepped outside at 9:30 tonight and it was still perfectly comfortable in my indoor clothes. I can barely believe that on Sunday it...
When I’m gone
I’m undergoing a lot of change, lately. I mean, I’m always moving and growing and doing new things, but this feels different. Almost like I’m undergoing some kind of a transformation. All the new information I’ve been hit with in the past few months has left me feeling a...
Looking back
With the garden being mostly done for the season, I find myself feeling a little nostalgic. This year was an adventure for me. I was really ambitious- venturing to even have such a large garden the first year we moved in- and I think it paid off. When I was...
It’s been another eventful week, and it’s only Wednesday! On Monday Max was hospitalized for a fever. He and my sister have been in the hospital for the past few days, and they were even on some kind of a swine flu alert for a little while. Everything came...
It’s been an eventful couple of days! My dear sister went ahead and gave birth yesterday morning, despite the chat we had the night before all about her cold (she was getting kind of sniffly and blah feeling) and how her body will likely wait and so on. Five...
I really love sushi, especially…
I got that tattoo I wanted. It’s funny. It’s so meaningful to me, and yet I haven’t been inclined to really discuss it with people who have asked. I just tell them I’d wanted it for a while and that it’s pretty and I’ve always liked the tree of life...
Life is lovely lately. Things are cooling down around here, both literally and figuratively, and we’re feeling a little more relaxed overall. Jeff and I have actually been sitting down together at the end of the night- and it only took us two evenings to finish a movie! Amazing!...