No, nothing pregnancy related- although I did scratch that kimchi itch last week, and it was SO GOOD. I even saved the liquid from the containers and threw it in a hot & sour-style soup. YUM.
Anyway, I’m having distinct spiritual cravings. I crave simplicity. I crave authenticity. I crave...
Wednesday food post: Kombucha
I LOVE KOMBUCHA! Kombucha was really my first introduction to the world of bacteria/yeast-enhanced foods (unless you count yogurt), and it certainly opened my eyes. I first tried the stuff at a friend’s mother’s house. This woman introduced us to the world of Weston A. Price, which kind...
This video has been making me smile all day. It’s really worth the watch.
Anyway, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here- but my sister and I have coined the term "scary-awesome" to describe so much of the stuff that saturates our conversations these days. You know, the...
I just don’t get it.
I attended a birth on Wednesday. It all went well. I think she was satisfied and informed and is totally in love with her new baby boy. It was good. This woman did receive her fair amount of interventions, but she seem completely content with them at each step...
Wednesday food post: Sourdough
I’m finding that cultured food is really the way to go- and if you don’t have any in your diet, you’re really missing out. They are full of beneficial micro-organisms that do everything from neutralizing anti-nutrients to making food more digestible and vitamins more available. Plus, they inoculate your system with...
Snowy day
Today is a restful kind of day. We woke up to a foot of snow sitting on all the tree branches- a real winter wonderland today. Vera has been sweet and funny all morning, at one point singing "It’s a happy day, it’s a happy day…" to herself. We...
Wednesday food post: Food as a Healer (Part 1)
I’ve been thinking about food and all its healing properties. It brings people together- bonding them in a really simple, tangible way. It can provide you with the strength you need to conquer illness (let’s hear it for chicken soup!). It can help prevent illness and build your immune...
Love is in my life… yes it is.
Vera’s 2nd birthday was this past Thursday! We celebrated just as a family on the day, but had a big party with both sides of the extended family yesterday. It’s hard to believe it’s already been two years, but then again, it’s hard to imagine her being any different...
Wednesday food post (Sprouting)
When I proposed the idea to have a weekly post about my food adventures/thoughts, I thought it would be met with a bit of a grumble (or more likely silence)… don’t I go on and on enough about this stuff?! I figured it would be fun for me, and...
Violence, Part II. Sort of.
I was listening to NPR yesterday in the car and heard an interesting interview of a man who is a defense lawyer for death row inmates in Texas. He talked about the stress of the job, how ordinary murderers look, etc. He mentioned that most death row inmates don’t...