How I made Vera’s “Big Sister Doll”
Big sister doll :)
I’ve had time lately to tie up lots of loose ends. The one thing I wanted to do that I was having trouble getting around to was that "big sister" doll I wanted to make for Vera. I planned on doing it all in the evenings, but once evening...
WFP: Being well
Being well. I’ve been thinking about it lately. Why is it so difficult for us these days? I feel like I so often read about chronic conditions and digestive issues, and yet it’s like our species is far behind in terms of our instincts in these areas. I think,...
Don’t eat pokeweed.
Due date has come and gone, but I feel fine about it. There’s really no such thing as "overdue" in my book. Baby is supposed to come when baby is supposed to come. But, it was funny to think yesterday that I’d put in my obligatory 40 weeks. I...
This Moment
I’ve seen a lot of these "This Moment" posts around the blogosphere, and while they usually happen on Fridays, and I don’t ever participate (not for any particular reason, I just haven’t before…), I thought it was a lovely idea to do it right now. My house is...
Not yet!
No, no baby yet, although I do feel like it’s coming very soon… not due until Monday, although practically every phone call I’ve received today has started with a "So? What’s happening? Any baby?"… I’m fairly certain that this happens to practically every full-term pregnant woman, so I just...
WFP: The first freezer installments, and using the whole animal
I’m happy to get in another Wednesday food post before I have a newborn. If all goes according to plan, I’ll have my hands full the next couple of Wednesdays. I plan to keep up on posting, but I am not going to drive myself nuts trying to do new...
Feeling ready…
… er, as ready as one can be in these kinds of situations. I don’t think anyone is ever really ready for the force of a new life- we have to let it mold us into the people we need to be. That’s just my theory anyway. But I...
Sweet Saturday…
We are happily in the throws of summer and baby-prep this weekend, but I needed a break and a little quiet writing time. This morning was so nice. We woke up early (after Vera came into our room from sleeping the whole night in her big girl room!), walked...
WFP: Sourdough things and lots of garden goodness
So I was planning on doing one sourdough thing a day last week, but things rarely go as planned around here… What I did do was fun! Also, today I’ll be making sourdough crackers again (delicious things!) but that won’t make it into this post.
I worked on really revitalizing...