Author: Gracie

Home again, home again

We’re back from the wedding up north. It was beautiful, and just what I needed. I hadn’t realized the ball of stress that had been forming in the back of my mind… it was just there, haunting me daily. Wanting to get things done that I couldn’t quickly, wanting...

WFP: Using it all

A lot going on over here in food. We’re in the home stretch, and so much of what I’m thinking about is how to use this food as best as I can for the winter. The freezer is filling up, our food pantry downstairs is starting to stock up...

Look up!

It’s been a busy week, but I’ve loved it. One of those weeks that had a steady pace- not so busy that I felt overwhelmed, but just busy enough to keep me out of my head . Although, there was one day where I was literally bouncing and patting...

WFP: More meal planning in action!

It went pretty well this week. I didn’t entirely stick to the plan, but it felt much better to have ideas and recommit to this meal planning thing now that we’re a little more settled after baby. Plus, I love thinking about food… imagine that!

Wednesday: Roast chicken and vegetables...

Photo Meme (plus more)

Here I am, just in from working in the garden. I like that this meme is going around- it’s good to see people as they are. 

When you read this you’re tagged! Take a picture of you in your current state, no changing your clothes or quickly putting on makeup....

Wising up.

I have a feeling I might just be tired for years… although I probably should take it just one day at a time, eh? I was out this morning with a friend and both kids, and she just looked kind of stunned. I don’t know, it wasn’t really bad,...

WFP: Back into the swing of things…

I haven’t been doing as much food stuff as I would have liked this summer, but I’m hardly depressed about it- what with doubling the garden, being very pregnant, and then giving birth and recovering and having a new infant to care for… I’m just going to cut myself...

Everything dances

Something you learn early on when you observe women in labor is that they find some kind of coping technique to help them deal with contractions. We’ve all seen the cliche breathing with the partner to get through it. Anyway, women will find all sorts of things. They’ll moan,...

It’s hard to stay patient sometimes. The past two days have been fine, but I basically haven’t been able to do anything because Asa has been so high-needs. On average he’s fine, but I think he’s in a growth spurt or something and is just nurse, sleep for 10...