Author: Gracie

Tell me, what else should I have done?

Lots to do, but I can’t seem to organize it in my head. So update it is. We’ve been having fun lately, and I’m feeling more and more like that’s the most important thing… you know, just as far as our day to day goes. Like, yeah, I could...

Gratitude Friday

 I am grateful for all those little slices of lovely, quiet, "me" time. 

My morning coffee, which, although I battle with the ethics of it, is something I truly love. I’ve loved coffee since I was 12....

WFP: Adventures with lacto-fermented vegetables

Here’s a little introduction to lacto-fermentation, for those of you who are unfamiliar with it. This was taken straight from the Weston A Price Foundations website:

It may seem strange to us that, in earlier times, people knew how to preserve vegetables for long periods without the use of freezers...

Trusting ourselves

I’m feeling thoughtful and inspired this morning, having gotten lots of the basics done last night while Jeff worked late. The house is in relative order, and so I was sitting here checking up on some of my favorite blogs- oohing and aahing at their latest projects and thoughts....

Mostly pictures. :)

Lowering my media intake has been a good thing so far. I found that I don’t do well with setting sort of arbitrary limits- each day is different and I’m not really interested in feeling bad about myself if I don’t do "well" or something. The main goal was...

Gratitude Friday. The first of many.

Remember how I said I wanted to focus more on gratitude? Well, I thought it appropriate to share it here, and hope that some of you might join me. In my daily life, where I’m all too often overwhelmed or unable to see things outside of my own foggy...

WFP: More food storage

Our nights are getting colder, dipping down into the low 40s at night. I know this mild weather is coming to a close, and so I’ve just got to harvest everything I can before we lose anything to frost. I’m picking away at it as best I can, and...

A step away

I’ve decided to take a bit of a media break. There’s so much for me to do lately, and I really feel like the computer has become a time suck. So, I’m leaving this break somewhat open ended, but I plan to still make appearances here. I decided that...


How is it that these months keep sneaking up on me? Lately I’ve been hearing a lot of sad thoughts from people regarding the end of summer, but I just don’t feel sad about it. I’m invigorated thinking about this time to "hibernate" and focus on other things. Time...

WFP: Max’s Birthday

One year ago today, this little guy shot his way into this world with a force- straight into the loving arms of my sister. Today he’s a sweet, smiley, curious, gentle little soul. They weren’t doing anything special tonight, and so I invited my sister and the kids over...