Well, with all my talk of slow days and shifting my weight to accommodate the coming cold season, I do believe my hands will be busy and my mind stocked full this winter… So much to do already, and it’s only November. All in a days work, I say. This is my...
Gratitude Friday- Wild and precious
I woke up really early this morning, unable to go back to sleep. Having slept like a rock all of my life (through alarm clocks, angry siblings and parents, etc.), I actually appreciate the ability to rise without much hassle (definitely thanks to having kids, I’m sure). These mornings,...
WFP: The season for reflection and planning
I’ve only been growing my own food for 4 summers now, but already I have distinct feelings about the rhythm of it all- almost as if the life that’s around me now has a personality and a purpose, and I’m getting to know it… Like, for instance, each summer...
Voting is like recycling.
Warning- this is a bit of a ramble…
Yesterday I got a call from our local Democratic Party’s office asking me to vote for a couple of guys to become supreme court justices. This is basically how it went down:
Her: I urge you to vote for ___ and ___ for...
Harvest party
Harvest party = success! Everything was so nice. A really cool mix of people, it had me reflecting on our community these days. Just about how it’s slowly changing and morphing into something that I’m really happy with. Family, friends, neighbors, children… Just lots of people that we love....
Gratitude Friday
I love my family. I really do. I mean, I consider myself really lucky- I’ve got a solid family, and each member I consider to be a dear, precious friend. However, like any family, there’s history, there’s personalities, there’s conflict. With all that mess, though, comes the opportunity for...
WFP: The final tally
The garden is down to bare bones- only some kale, swiss chard, and our towering luffa plants remain. Oh, and brussels sprouts, which unfortunately seem to be infested with some kind of bug. Soon the garlic will be planted, we’ll harvest the luffa, and everything will be quiet out...
Little bits.
On Friday my mom took the day off of work and we met up at Greenfield Village. It was really fun, and the weather was perfect. Also, my sister and her kids and my grandma and aunt came along too. I didn’t get as many pictures as I...
Gratitude Friday
I’m grateful for so many things today.
I’m grateful for these beautiful little children (pictured wearing leaf crowns that my sister made)…
WFP: Waste not want not…
So I have this idea. I realized the other day, while I was creating a soup out of the remaining bits of my broccoli plants, that I could write a cookbook… maybe. I mean, I experiment all the time, and I actually made a really tasty broccoli soup out...