Author: Gracie

WFP: Allergies

I remember those little innocent looking peas, rolling around on my plate. Oh, that horrible little pile of peas, just sitting there, taunting me. It felt like we had them every night, and I always whined about how much I hated them and that they "hurt". They first made...

Early gratitudes and an update

I have a moment here, and rather than work more I just want to take this opportunity to just catch my breath. Here are my gratitudes, because I won’t be around tomorrow to list them off.

-I’m sore every day, and I find myself stretching out my muscles each night...

WFP: Food for our food

In this culture, it is advantageous for big industrial food giants to do all that they can to remove us from the source of our food. It makes sense for them to do so. Just walking down the isles of an average supermarket, a large percentage of the "food"...

Gratitude Friday

So much to be grateful for! Where to start…

For my spunky girl, who is always surprising me. It never ceases to amaze me how this little baby that came out of my body is so… herself. 

Can’t seem to get a...

WFP: A picture of nutmeg, because it’s cool.

 Okay… it’s just not happening. Long day, Jeff’s out tonight, and kids just got to sleep. I had a whole post in my head, but honestly I’m ready to hunker down with a decadent snack of leftover ginger spice cake and a movie (which I will likely fall asleep...

Lots of stuff, to make up for the last 10 days

Posting. Here I am, making a post. Doing it. Who knows if it will actually make it’s way out there… we shall see. I hear kids fighting… 

Okay. Wow. That was an epic little girl meltdown. You see? I get this far into a blog post and then just...

Gratitude Friday: My big girl.

After months of talking about it and grappling over it, I decided it was time to wean Vera. Nursing this little girl has been an absolute privilege and pleasure. I’m so grateful for the 3 full years of feeding this wonderful person from my body. I’m so grateful for...

The best laid plans…

I write this all down with the full expectation that… well, that not everything will go as I expect it to. Such is life, I’ve made my peace. But scheming and planning is half of the fun, I think. Drawing out these plans in my mind each year, kind...

Happy Spring!

These days lately have been packed to the brim. I’m generally tired and over-caffeinated and in love with life. I’m squeezing in moments of writing here and there, but forgive me if I’m not around so much in the coming weeks. Babysitting all day, then sowing hundreds of seeds...

WFP: On a Wednesday! Hooray!

On Sunday for family dinner we had one of my all-time favorite foods. Oh my, this meal is so good. Everyone in my family, even the pickiest of members, loves this meal. Good, old fashioned, beef tongue with noodles. Yep, it’s downright delicious. This is one of those traditional...