Author: Gracie

WFP: Homemade fizzy drinks!

So, you know how I brew kombucha and am a total convert? Well, my SCOBY (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeasts) got mold twice in a row… I have no idea what happened! I was waiting for another culture from my friend and I caved and bought...

Wild and precious.

Feeling mighty philosophical lately. It’s all this growth all around me, I think. Well. Here’s another crazy picture dump, as I am wont to do these days. I hope to do more regular and moderate updating soon, but until then…

Things are good. Things are thriving.

I need a distraction, so update it is!

We’ve had some strange weather this spring. Oh who am I kidding? We live in Michigan. It’s strange every spring. But still. It’s not every spring that we have an on and off crazy storm in the afternoon with a big tree branch landing in the middle of the...

A big fat entry about nothing in particular…

I’m learning. I’m learning a little more about how time works- with my body, with the earth, within our minds. I’m learning that I really need at least 8 hours of sleep, and I do best with 9 hours (probably in part due to still nursing through the night)....

WFP: Making up for missed food posts!

I figured, because I haven’t been that great at keeping up with my Wednesday food posts, I’d do a big food post today to get back into the swing of things.

Tonight was one of those "What the heck do we eat?!" kind of nights. I looked in the fridge...

WFP: A regular update, but let’s face it- it’s mostly about food.

There’s so much to do these days! It has been so nice to walk slowly through my yard, with a bowl full of chicken slop, discovering all the little beauties that spring has to offer. I’m soaking up the green and all the blossoms and… this season is just...