WFP: Exchange of energy
I don't have a lot of time here tonight (because babies are sleeping and I have a warm bath with lavender salts waiting for me, and after that a movie with my love…), but I wanted to take a minute to talk about what we've been eating lately. We've...
Food… And I don’t care that it’s not Wednesday.
Food storage is picking up around here. I'm finding tricks to help us be more flexible in terms of time. For instance, I am through with blanching and peeling tomatoes. It was only this year that I found out it was entirely optional. Plus, those skins and seeds that...
Okay… livejournal is really on my last nerve. How’s a girl expected to blog about anything?! I don’t really want to leave this space, but with the little time I have to write and the frequency of just overall malfunctioning I’m experiencing here… well I just don’t know. It’s...
27 trips around the sun…
Here I am, 27 years old. I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for my life. I struggle now to find words...
WFP: And so it begins…
I’m actually starting to remember the way this time of year feels… this dance we do around here. Everything in the garden starts to plump up and it starts coming in faster than we know how to handle. I fill baskets and big bowls with everything the garden offers...
It’s all a gift.
One of the entries that disappeared on me over the past couple of weeks was Asa’s birthday post. I was so sad to have it vanish like that! So, I realize that we’re a good 3 weeks later, but it’s really never too late to celebrate one little boy’s...
Massive post to make up for my absence…
Forgive my absence, I’ve been having a helluva time trying to update here. Something on my computer isn’t compatible anymore with livejournal, and my master tech person (Jeff) has yet to really investigate for me… I’ve written two entries only to have them completely vanish on me (which was...
Just doing, day 7.
Just doing, day 6.
We start the day really early, and with some art.
Vera was surprised by the present that was given to her by the family of the dog we watch sometimes. I called it a "funky monkey" and then she started calling...
Just doing, day 5.
I’m up early with Vera. The boys sleep for a good hour, so I putter around on the computer and have some coffee and crispy nuts with raisins.
Baby wakes up and we snuggle. Jeff goes back to bed for a...