A scatterbrained glimpse into our October…
Yet another reason not to use toilet paper… two minutes within arm's reach of my little guy and this is what happens. We are still going strong with the cloth wipes, although I need to make more (hence the supplementary TP). Most people that come over and use them...
I’m still here. Just thinkin’.
I've come to this space each day hoping to churn out something with the little time and energy I have. Writing here is good for me. But life happens at such a pace and when I settle into the evening the thought of writing here feels so big. By...
As much as I will miss all this freshness and activity from summer, I can feel my readiness for this season. Always a little bittersweet. I welcome the change. I harvested the last of the tomatoes and they are all currently adorning my windowsills. It's become one of my...
Life and death, again…
We've had an eventful few days. I've been working my butt off around here, and it still feels all unraveled. Such is this life I've chosen. It's like cleaning out a closet. It always looks its worst just before it all gets tucked away. Speaking of cleaning out closets,...
Response to my last post
First, can I just say, I am so grateful for this space to write! I love the feedback I got, and so I decided to address a few things here rather than repeating myself in the comments.
I want to start by saying that in no way do I expect...
Here I am! Lots and lots, as usual. :)
We've been busy… I promise!
Have I told you guys lately how in love I am? So, so in love. With everything. Do you...
Gratitude Friday- Mrs. Peacock
RIP, sweet lady. This morning we found her to be strange and still. We knew something was wrong, and I held her for her...
September 15th- Just doing…
I start my day with old faithful, and enjoy it even more than usual because it's a chilly morning. Nothing beats a warm mug on cold hands.
Autumn is so close I can taste it. My garden is doing well, albeit a tad neglected. As usual. I'm grateful I'm not in it for perfection. But, all the same, I still end up reveling at the perfection that comes out of it. Check out this awesome purple...
Part normal post, part… well, I might piss someone off.
The weather shifted so suddenly recently. From high 90s and thick air to cool breezy reaching-for-a-sweater weather. I am peeking out at my 50 tomato plants and wondering if we'll get as many as I thought we would… no matter, none will be wasted. A green tomato is lovely...