Listening to an earthly rhythm.
I wanted to tell you all how lovely your responses were to my last post! It overwhelms me to think of all the support I have in this endeavor, and how rich and full my life is. I feel so awed by life lately. Delicious. It's not even all...
Happy Solstice!
I've been meaning to make a post here for what feels like ages… but sick babies, housework, farm work, holiday crafting, etc. etc. is just not allowing for it. I'm breaking the new "no screen time" rule with the kids so I can write for a minute. I forgive...
WFP: Turkey
Ever since I slaughtered my own chickens I feel a much greater desire to not waste anything on an animal. Ever since starting a vegetable garden I feel bad about any part of the plant being wasted. My guilt about slimy vegetables at the bottom of the crisper is...
A guide from beyond.
All day I've had a sick baby plastered to me. Big sister has frolicked around us, donning rosy cheeks and a new (hand-me-down) sparkly pink leotard… I've been wearing him in my ring sling so my arms won't fall off with this whole baby-won't-let-me-put-him-down thing, and despite the crusted snot streaked...
Welcome winter, I fear you not.
The holiday weekend was… rich. Thick with family and friends and food and love. It's all good.
I'm especially grateful to have gotten the chance...
Worms, seeds, and beans.
Can you see him? Can you see my little worm friend nestled beneath the squash?
I've inherited a little tub filled with lovely worms, and...
I'm grateful that on each of these unusually warm and sunny fall days I made a point to get out into it and soak it...
Say hello to our new flock, "The Odettes". We are calling them that because they all look like our old saucy bird Odette (now in...
Around here…
We've been making a lot of lists. I try to sit down every day to organize my thoughts. As the teething adventure continues (and with a visit from a cold bug) we have been sleeping like we have a newborn again… which translates to: not much. Perpetually sleep deprived...
Sexism isn’t funny… mmkay?
I can't believe I actually feel compelled to write a blog post on this, but it's clear to me that it must be done.
Sexism is not funny. There. I said it.
It's real, it's relevant, it affects every woman I know. So why is it that we are the butt...