Little update
It's been a lovely and big kind of week for us. Last Monday Jeff and I celebrated our *seventh* wedding anniversary. I can't tell you how much I love him and am grateful to have him as my partner. I also feel aware just in the past year how...
Vacation, and my 28th trip around the sun.
Well, the stars have been aligned just-so lately. Or that's what I've been reading anyway, and most of the people I talk to seem to be feeling similarly. It's a time in my life that feels very… tumultuous. I'm learning a lot. There are many unknowns, lots of messes...
Mid-August at Polliwog Farm.
Canning is in full swing lately, and I can't help but be totally pleased with the ease and proficiency with which Jeff and I pull it all off these days. I remember canning days where I was sticky and completely exhausted at the end. Not so, now. A couple...
On weirdness…
Sometimes I think my kids are really bizarre. I mean, I'll just sit and watch them play and be so very themselves, and think "How did this come to be? Who are these amazing whole little people in front of me?"
Tomatoes are here, baby. I don't know what it is, but I completely love this fruit. I love everything about it. I love the way the plant looks, smells, feels… I love the variety- it's endless! Everything. Even the blight that I seem to get every year, it merely...
I need to focus on the things I'm grateful for in this moment. It's one of those days where my mind feels restless- it carries some doubt and pain and a little anger. Not to mention that I've stubbed my toe three times already today. That's bound to put...
I know, I've been away again. I'm just deep in it. Well, I haven't been totally silent. I did manage to do a DITL the other day, and that was fun. So biggest highlights since the last update: I witnessed the birth of a beautiful little boy. I know...
Oh sweetness of summer, I feel you. We celebrated the summer solstice simply with a few friends out by our lovely river on a warm balmy evening. I really love that I get to experience the changing of seasons here. I could never move somewhere with weather that is...
Jeff and I got up early this morning with the kids. Jeff expressed his desire on this Father's Day to just go out to the land and work on hooking up the rain barrels before we have a whole day of family stuff to do. What a guy! As...
Life is very full these days, and yet I'm often wandering around wondering what the heck I'm doing. Living, I guess! I do miss writing in this space. In many ways it helped me to organize my head and my purpose. I bet I spend the same amount of...
Gratitudes: 8/1/12
Summah time.
Gratitude, bees, garden, and kid update.
High class problems… or… No accounting for taste?
The usual- farming, food, and musings about the state of the world.