Author: Gracie


Oh, change. It seems to be what we do around here lately. Jeff has started this diet to heal his gut and rebuild the good flora. It's called GAPS. At first I was a little hesitant. I mean, I actually have a lot of respect for the...

Plans and things.

The other day I was stir-crazy. I couldn't seem to sit with myself, but then when I tried to focus and accomplish something I couldn't find direction. The energy in the house has shifted so much that we're having to quiet ourselves and pick up on the...


Jeff said yesterday he feels like we've been given a "reset". We talked about the ways that we have to piece things back together, but also the ways that we have come out way more equipped for the future. We are definitely a stronger little family now, and I...

Resilient stock

Yesterday was such a good day. I think I had finally caught some restful sleep for the first time all week, and the world seemed to open up to me again. I feel like I keep getting waves of sadness and anger and wonder, but yesterday I also felt...

Holding the pose.

My life feels ripped in two. They are moving everything today and tomorrow. I'm grateful this didn't get dragged out like it could have. I've found myself out in the greenhouse more times in the last few days than all summer long. There's something about that space...

Living in Community: Part 2

My energy is such right now that I have to dribble this out onto the page. I debated holding it in for the past few hours, but I can't sit still with my emotion- it's making me feel like I might burst and then collapse in on myself. It's...

Nurturing the creative spirit

I'm sitting in my living room right now with a few beautiful and creative women during our very first cold-weather inspired craft night. We're going to gather in this space twice a month to pull out projects and coax out that creative energy that so often lies dormant when...

Back in the swing?

It's become pretty clear to me that I'm simply out of practice with this whole writing thing. Once I get going, it's good. I think the past year I needed some flexibility, some brain rest, some simplicity and presence. But now I want to get back in the swing....

Around here…

My mom poked me yesterday about not posting much on here anymore. She said the gaps between entries are getting farther and farther apart, and I know she's right. I hate the idea of this place fading away for me, so I'm determined to get back into the habit....


I am always a fan of finding the cosmic order of things. I like to look back at all my troubles, now mere memories, and say "Oh THAT'S why it happened that way…" Even if I'm wrong and it's all just chaos and chance, I feel more spiritually inclined...