Author: Gracie

I've got this little bit of time on Tuesday mornings between when I drop Vera off at school and when I run some microgreen deliveries. I've been stopping at my parents' house which is close by both of these destinations, and it makes for a nice landing pad for...

Wednesday Food Post… it’s coming back!

I miss the old WFP, don't you? Its absence hasn't been for lack of cooking. Here I am, though, committed to cook/prep/experiment with one of my very best friends every Wednesday afternoon through the evening, and I realized it was a sign! A sign that I need to get...

Sloughing off the excess.

At the end of the summer/beginning of fall we prepped about an 1/10 of an acre of garden, give or take, for planting in spring (this being in addition to our urban site). Our friends who live on a couple of acres were really helpful after the craziness that...

Wisdom from Jeff

2013 kicked my butt. I'm glad to have a year here and there that does that, really. It certainly puts many things into perspective. One of the things that stuck with me over the past year was something that Jeff kept saying over and over amidst the frenzy of...

Kid update.

It's a chicken. With red eyes. So says Vera, who painted it. I was immediately interested in her perspective, since her paintings and drawings are usually scenes or whole figures, not just a portrait of a head like this. I asked if someone had taught her to do a...

The space between bliss and outrage.

Grief is really interesting, you know? I mean, I can really tell that I'm moving forward with my life and that Jeff and I and the kiddos are really strong and good. But sometimes I'm still just so sad about this whole break...

I’m ready, baby.

Seed catalogs are rolling in and I'm amazed yet again at how quickly that area of my brain (and soul) is rejuvenated and ready for more. I mean, my work has slowed down considerably now, but it really wasn't that long ago that...

Lovers and wanderers

A few weeks ago some friends of ours came over and talked to us about their less than ideal living situation. They were not without a home, but they are looking for a new place to go and would like a happier environment in the interim. Jeff and I...


Oh, change. It seems to be what we do around here lately. Jeff has started this diet to heal his gut and rebuild the good flora. It's called GAPS. At first I was a little hesitant. I mean, I actually have a lot of respect for the...

Plans and things.

The other day I was stir-crazy. I couldn't seem to sit with myself, but then when I tried to focus and accomplish something I couldn't find direction. The energy in the house has shifted so much that we're having to quiet ourselves and pick up on the...