Into the unknown
We've been consumed with getting the house ready to put on the market. Between that, our jobs, the kids, and all those little odds and ends, we're pretty whooped at the end of each day. We're close, though. House will go up this week, and we'll start this adventure...
The tent monster
At my parents house they have this kid-sized circus tent. Somehow it became a habit for Jeff to slide the thing over his head and run around after the kids, sucking them up into it and spitting them out. For those of you who don't know Jeff, he's 6'4",...
With joy.
I got home this afternoon from work only to see my family on their way out the door. Vera was peppy and happy waving coupons for the craft store in my face and pointing at a birdhouse for sale. She said "Daddy will buy us two if it's not...
Better all the time.
Wednesday Food Post
I'm getting really excited for the market to start. I'm excited for my garden, too, although I don't know when we'll end up selling this place and moving, so I'm playing that by ear. At the very least we'll get lots of root veggies and greens. With all the...
Wednesday Food Post
Oh we are having fun over here. Food has been a mix of silly over-the-top creations or really simple stick-to-your-ribs kind of fare. A good balance during these cold months. My sister and I saw a recipe for baklava made with brie, and we had to make it. In...
Trigger warning: I talk about the death of animals.
We lost our last little bantam hen to the cold a couple of nights ago. Last year we lost Miss Frizzle to a skunk, which left poor Lemon (aka "Pay Shay", depending on the day) without a bunk mate. You see,...
Food update
I can tell I need vitamins these days. It's been… a winter. I've gone back to old-faithful, brewing up quarts of red raspberry leaf and nettle tea, aka "Happy Woman Tea". That, and I'm trying to remember to take cod liver oil every day. Meet Spots. He's a four month old guinea pig that we got Vera for her birthday last week. And this is his brother Cinnamon. Together, they are the sweetest most delightful new additions to our family. Here's...
Bring it home.