Around here…
We've been making a lot of lists. I try to sit down every day to organize my thoughts. As the teething adventure continues (and with a visit from a cold bug) we have been sleeping like we have a newborn again… which translates to: not much. Perpetually sleep deprived + lots of responsibilities and desires = a happy(mostly) mess. Lists are helping, I think.
It's been fun to involve Vera in this list making. We make her a list and she helps make a list for Asa as well. It's cute. On this day her list read:
- Lay down, take a quick nap (which she doesn't anymore, but she insisted she would that day)
- Clean up kitchen
- Do my homeschool- learn about whales and turtles
- Painting
- Help mama make dinner- have corn in it
- Play
- Be outside
- Clean up room
My little list-maker.
I've been in a very organizational mode lately- fall seems to inspire that in me. I suspect it's because I anticipate more time indoors, and I just want it to feel good and functional. So I turn this:
…into this.
And of course the kids "help" while I'm doing it all.
"Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing." ~Phyllis Diller
Did some planting the other day. This was destined to be an herb bed, but I decided on Jerusalem artichokes instead. I'm so looking forward to these!
And a spot for some Valerian. I'm already day-dreaming about how full and green the yard will be next summer…
Chickies are well. Not laying yet. We're getting more this evening. And by "we" I mean Jeff is going after work and I'm staying here with kiddos. But I'm so excited. They will all be like Odette, a cross between a Rhode Island red rooster and a barred rock hen. Odette gave us some rocking eggs. I'm getting tired of store bought eggs already.
I'm crafting. I'll show you evidence of that soon.
Hard frosts are here. We've been cleaning it all up when we can. Hello November! I am already fantasizing about next year's garden.
Halloween was great. We didn't end up having our Harvest Party due to unexpected events, but it's fine. I actually appreciated that it was a quieter day. I've been feeling reflective. My parents invited us out to Chinese food (a family tradition), and then we brought the kids home and took them to 3 houses for candy and put them to bed. Vera was thrilled with just that. I think this might be the last year we could get away with that. It was fun, and she was sweet and generous with her candy.
I don't mind that I didn't grow up celebrating Halloween the way most of my friends did. We had an awesome time back then, and my parent's made it really fun for us. The one thing that I am realizing I missed out on? Carving pumpkins. Oh my, I have so much fun doing this. Making a lantern out of a big squash is definitely my cup of tea. I involved the kids at first, but they lost interest and I proceeded to carve all of them myself. I really love this craft. Although, I don't really have much interest in carving scary faces or things like that, at least not in the past few years.
Vera chose to be Rainbow Brite, which I was not-so-secretly thrilled about! At first she wanted to be Little Mermaid, but I've been so disillusioned with the whole "Disney Princess" crap that I just hoped she would change her mind. I mean, I seriously loved the Little Mermaid when I was a kid, but I wasn't thinking. I mean, the girl hates her life and her body and trades in her voice to try to get some dude she's never met, and has to rely solely on her beauty to do it… although I know that the original story treats it more as a tragedy, that's not the story people think of when they see a little mermaid costume. Anyway. Rainbow Brite is awesome and actually likes herself, so that's good. A friend of mine had an adult "sexy" costume that she lent us, and it's sad how few adjustments the thing needed before it was just right for a 3-year-old. <3
Asa was the cutest lil' penguin ever. Note the glistening penguin tear. Penguins don't like carseats.
V and my dad at the Chinese restaurant. 🙂
My pumpkins in action! Sort of hard to see, but it's a sun, a spider, and some fairies.
I do this star and moon one every year now. I love it.
The next day we went to Detroit's Mexican Town to celebrate the Day of the Dead with my sister and her kids. Here's Vera checking out one of the gorgeous ofrenda.
I usually let Vera choose something when I take her into shops and so she chose this pretty paper mache doll. She named her "Cha-la" and she knows that she's too fragile to play with like her other dolls. She doesn't seem to mind, and shows her off proudly.
Asa is loving books lately. He especially loves ones with animals. He flips the pages and can be heard saying things like "mooo…. meow meow…. woof woof woof." My baby.
We are eating well, as usual. Pictured here were some carrot/potato/onion/pepper pancakes topped with sauteed mushrooms and an over-easy egg, a sausage, and some lacto-fermented things (sauerkraut, a tomato-corn relish, and pickled parsnip). All of the fermented things are amazingly good, but the tomato corn relish is completely awesome. I'm going to go buy a bunch of out of season corn and tomatoes just to make a stash of it. SO GOOD.
I'm making big batches of soup and freezing them. It's just where I am with food storage right now, and it's nice to know that I won't have to worry about cooking on a future busy day.
I'm loving the addition of a little extra sunshine streaming through the south windows. I forget how dense those maple trees are until they drop a few leaves. So warm and delicious.
…what have you all been up to?
Latest posts by Gracie (see all)
- The Severe Gift - March 4, 2025
- On Grace - January 27, 2025
- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
They are so adorable in their costumes!! I was rainbow brite for Halloween when I was a little girl, so I adore that Vera chose that, too!
Rainbow Brite… she has a special place in my heart. It’s kind of fun to re-live some of that stuff through my kids. 🙂
You got me thinking about next years garden too!
Isn’t that funny? Beginning of November and we’re already planning. 🙂
What a cute little penguin! I loved Rainbow Brite as a child… Vera was just perfect.
I think it’s awesome that you celebrate Halloween and also Day of the Dead. Vera and Asa will be well-grounded in the cyclical nature of life as they grow.
Today the boys and I spent some lovely time outside with our new neighbor, weeding and pulling up the old hosta leaves to prepare the front flower beds for winter. It was nice to get my hands dirty again! 🙂
What did you guys do for Halloween?
Your day sounds lovely. I’m glad you’re feeling so at home in NY. 🙂
Ben was a firefighter (he is OBSESSED with fire trucks) and Leo went as his Dalmation fire dog. We walked by the fire station while trick-or-treating, but the fire truck was away. Ben told us that the fire truck was also trick-or-treating, dressed up like a monkey! What an imagination he has 🙂
I think Little Mermaid appeals to kids partly because Ariel wants to explore a whole new world, and she does so with the help of her friends. But I know what you mean.
Yeah, I see what you mean. I think independently that story wouldn’t be so terrible, but most of the “princess” stories are kind of like that. They just make a business out of disempowering girls and turning it into some kind of a romantic fantasy, and that’s kind of gross when it comes down to it. That said, if she still wanted to be Ariel I would have made her a costume. My job, I think, is just to talk these things out with her and get her to think critically about it.
I was admiring the dresser in the “after” photo, and noticed the wooden carving of the man and woman up on the shelf. We have that same piece! 🙂 It was my gift to Ty for Valentine’s day a few years ago.
I love your jack-o-lantens! 😀
Yesterday I finished covering the veggie bed in our new back yard with newspaper and leaves. I’m sad to leave behind all the work I did in my old yard, but I’m also looking forward to a fresh start with everything I learned in the process!
Nice! That carving was a wedding present. I love it. 🙂
Yes! This must be such a bittersweet process. I’m really excited to see what you do in the spring. Do you have any plans?
Well, the first step will be to find permanent homes for all the lilies I brought with me that I stuck in the veggie bed for now. We need a new roof and some exterior repair, so I want to try to get that done first before I plant along the house. It will be a major work in progress the first year, that’s for sure! As soon as I get myself graduated (5 more weeks!) I’m going to start making some more solid garden plans!
You have such beautiful babies!
I also came to say that I love the colors in your home as well. It looks so cozy yet still bright and airy.
Thank you! Yours is super cute too!
Thanks also for noticing the colors! I really like them, although I do have some painting plans this fall. 🙂