And I thought I’d have “free time”… heh.
I think with the combination of lots of April things happening with family, the weather turning all sorts of gorgeousness, and having a baby that wants to nurse, poop, squirm, dance and play… well. My life has been swallowed up. by good things. I am a happy busy lady.
I guess I’ll just leap into it.
Little Tuula bird’s first birthday. Gretchen and I went to see the Dalai Lama. It was good. It was great to see him. I will say it was a tad less engaging than I would’ve hoped. It was primarily a buddhist lecture, and I guess we were hoping for more material that we could relate to. Funny thing though, on the second day, the last 2 hours were exactly what we wanted- but we weren’t there. Goes to show how patience can pay off. Anyway, Jeff and I happened to see it live on public tv, and so we taped about an hour of it. I’m really glad I went anyway, it was a good experience. I also found it interesting that there were so many Chinese protesters, and also how many people were in their “costumes” for the event. We saw loads of good ol’ white folks dressed in their glittery hippie-wear, bangles and all. It was a site to see, we just found it kind of funny to be dressing up so much to listen to the Dalai Lama.
Tuula. I made her hair all crazy.
April 20th:
The verdict is in. BLUE. At least that would be my best guess. They just get brighter and brighter every day.
April 21st:
This was the day that we had Tuula’s birthday celebration. Gretchen made everyone spaghetti and apple pudding cake. YUM. Tuula LOVES spaghetti. What kid doesn’t, right? Very fun. It was weird though, we were kinda wondering who was missing and then we realized that it was Ben. So sad! He’s doing great though. Anyway.
These were Tuula’s candles, although I guess they only came with one “U”. Ah well. They aren’t prepared for double “U” names…
April 22nd:
EARTH DAY! Of course I had to go plant crazy… We have these two empty raised beds out front that just sit there. They are filled with tree roots, so we can’t plant bushes or anything because they’ll get choked. Instead our landlord wanted to fill them with decorative stones and then put potted plants on top. Well. We’ve been here for almost 3 years. *Ah hem* but that’s just how our landlord is. So, I decided that (inspired by my sister’s idea for her gardening space) I would fill it with perennial herbs and flowers. Ta da! They’ll do fine with the amount of root space available, and I’ll be able to reap the benefits, even after we leave because I can split the plants and replant them wherever we go. I’m surprised I didn’t think of it earlier. The beds will contain the following: echinacea, calendula, lobelia, lemon balm, fennel, thyme, sage, lavender, rosemary, parsley (curly and flat leaf), oregano, dill, chives, mint, and the remaining tulips that are in the bed already (only moved around a bit). We also got some wormwood plants- apparently they work to repel wasps, which we believe have a nest out by the shed where Jeff’s workshop is. Anyway, we don’t want them to go away, but we don’t want them out in the shed. We’ll give this a shot. Anyway, I can plant some now, but a few have to wait until last frost. I can’t get enough of this stuff! It’s making me super excited for veggies- we’re preparing those beds in the next couple of days. I’m also reading up on all sorts of stuff about companion planting and natural pest control. Basically, the Vegetable Gardener’s Bible is one of my favorite books now. Oh yeah.
April 23rd:
I have a thing for doors. I don’t know what it is.
So, today I am planting some things, starting some seed indoors, cleaning my house, folding a crap-ton of laundry, getting lots of pictures off of my camera, doing some work for my dad, and watching a movie with Jeff. Speaking of movies- one of my new favorite snacks is homemade popcorn smothered in nutritional yeast. The stuff is sooo good. We lick the bottom of the bowl. No joke. Maya likes it too.
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- The Severe Gift - March 4, 2025
- On Grace - January 27, 2025
- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
you are a busy living lady. i dont know many people who have the kind of “Free” time to just sit and do nothing……or i just don’t know too many people that would want to sit and do nothing being “Free”…except Isiah.
What is free time? I think the fun stuff you are doing with gardening and enjoying the weather with your baby is free time well spent! You rock!
not sure how i missed the mention of nutritional yeast but…
if you read a previous post of mine you’d know how much we LOVE it as well. We like to also spray bragg on our popcorn and it helps the NY to stick better. but yes it is so YUM YUM YUMMY on popcorn and well….EVERYTHING. i think I am going to try it on pizza tonight.
Mmm yes! I did read that, that’s what got me thinking about it. I had to have it on my popcorn that night! Anyway, tonight I used it to make some zucchini and eggplant “fries” – baked in the oven with bread crumbs and Nut. Yeast. MMM YEAH! I plan to make your sauce soon too.
Oh yeah, and about the free time- you are right. I sort of envisioned lots of reading time and LJ update time and whatnot, but I wouldn’t want to do nothing. I love being busy- and this is FUN busy. I’m excited to come see where you live in less than 2 weeks!
Jake and I were going to go to see the Dalai Lama– UMich offered this deal that on a particular day, if students with UMID showed up at the Union, they could have TWO tickets for FREE!
So I thought, “Well gee, both Jake and I could go and when else would we get to see the Dalai Lama?”
A labmate and I walked down there, only to be told “Actually, all the FREE tickets are gone, but if you wait in this GINORMOUS line you can BUY one for the STUDENT price of $30”
So- Two for Free, then One for Student price? We didn’t go. I was sad 🙁
PS– I’m sooo hoping for blue-eyed babies! I love blue eyes like nobody’s business!
Sheesh, what an ordeal! I don’t blame ya. It was good to go- but I hate to say that you really didn’t miss too much. Half the people left after the first half, and most were sleeping that did show up. It was not that it was boring, but that it wasn’t easily translated by those that aren’t Buddhist scholars. So don’t feel too bad. I bet you can catch the last 2 hours (of the second day) of it on TV somehow, that’s really the only part that might be of real interest!
I’m rooting for ya! Seems to me that you would have blue eyed babies. Both you and Jake seem really fair. Haha, fun to think you might find out sooner rather than later! Yay!
Visitng the Buddhist Protestor
This article say about visiting the Buddhist lecture. The author is very delighted after visiting the place . It was a good experience.
The author also found it interesting that they are so many Chinese Buddhist and all were wearing different costumes.
We really enjoy the dressing of the Dalai Lama.
Name: Chloe The Double Beds Expert
Re: Visitng the Buddhist Protestor
This may be the strangest comment I’ve ever been left.