A new start!
Posted On January 2, 2008
January 1st:
I spent most of the day organizing and getting rid of stuff. This is the furniture my grandpa made in 1955 for my mom (and then her two siblings). While we won’t be using the crib for a while, I’m so happy to have it. It’s super retro, but I tend to like that kind of thing anyway. He really was an artist, and the fact that this furniture is still in such good condition is a testament to his amazing craftsmanship.
The big news is that almost everything in my house has a purpose and a place of it’s own. This is amazing to me. I don’t think I’ve ever had such organization in my surroundings. It really is pretty zen. I feel great coming into this house, and without much changing most people who come into it (even if they’ve been here a thousand times) will mention how nice it feels. This makes me happy! I think it must be all the good energy Jeff and I are putting into it. It’s so important to me to have a sacred space. I want it to be full of love for this new person.
I spent most of the day organizing and getting rid of stuff. This is the furniture my grandpa made in 1955 for my mom (and then her two siblings). While we won’t be using the crib for a while, I’m so happy to have it. It’s super retro, but I tend to like that kind of thing anyway. He really was an artist, and the fact that this furniture is still in such good condition is a testament to his amazing craftsmanship.
The big news is that almost everything in my house has a purpose and a place of it’s own. This is amazing to me. I don’t think I’ve ever had such organization in my surroundings. It really is pretty zen. I feel great coming into this house, and without much changing most people who come into it (even if they’ve been here a thousand times) will mention how nice it feels. This makes me happy! I think it must be all the good energy Jeff and I are putting into it. It’s so important to me to have a sacred space. I want it to be full of love for this new person.
January 2nd:
I noticed that it snowed yesterday, but I didn’t notice that we had stumbled into pre-revolutionary Narnia.
I love the contrast between tree branches and snow. It makes the whole world look like a painting.
I am so happy I started this up again. A toast to the new year!
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Woah! Holy Snow! We all thought it was pretty funny that as soon as we left for México y’all got a huge snowstorm. Sorry! Well I miss you and the baby’s room looks great. I’m sorry I didn’t call you the other day before we left…I totally forgot with all the things I was trying to remember. I hope your New Year’s was great and I’ll see ya in a week!
Oh Gretchoni! I miss you too.
It was pretty funny reading dad’s text message the other day… something along the lines of: “We’re sitting in a cafe eating sopas and drinking Mexican coffee across from the town square…” BLAH BLAH BLAH. Meanwhile big FAT snowflakes are coming down like crazy. It’s amazingly beautiful though.
I know Tuula is probably tired of the kisses by now, so you can just come home whenever.
I miss the snow! It looks beautiful. I might be making a trip to the mitten soon…I hope.
Well you have to come visit us if you are! Maybe you could come in February or March and meet the sprout!
Hah! Narnia. Yeah, Michigan is about as close as it gets this time of year. One second it’s sunny, the next it’s a frozen forest.
I don’t think Narnia had some of the jackass drivers that we do, though.
Your ‘365’ thing is what inspired mine, just so’s ya know.
I really do love that dresser and baby-cage. If I was rich I’d get some handmade stuff like that. Or if I was really rich I’d have my own garage and I’d practice making my own. Wouldn’t be that cool though. Maybe I’ll just marry rich.
You should set up tags for your picture entries, so you can click on that tag and just see all the entries with your pictures. Or do what ya want, it’s yo journal. And my comment is getting a bit lengthy, so I’ll just press Post now.
I hear the White Witch was pretty pushy in her sleigh. Anyway.
Tags shmags. No, you’ve got a point. I probably should do that. Maybe if I become rich.
One doesn’t ‘become rich’. One ‘gets rich’. That’s how it’s did.
Oh, and just because she was white that means she’s a witch? Yeah. I see how you really are. Racist honkie.
What a beautiful nursery. Your baby is very lucky 🙂
And snow!! Sooo jealous 🙂
Yay! Jealous of the snow? You dont’ have any right now? I’ll send you some telepathically.
Not a flake! We were promised some last Thursday but just got rain instead so your telepathic snow is most appreciated 🙂
I love it when you post pictures. Baby’s room looks so warm.
I’m glad! I’m taking more now that 365 is back up for me. Baby’s room IS so warm!