I have so much to write about and so little time to do it. I am talking with a friend about scheduling time together to go to a coffee shop and work/write/etc., because it is seriously next to impossible with young kids. I was in denial for a while about this, but am no longer. The only way I am pulling this off is by placating them with a show and feeding them breakfast right in front of it. Not my ideal, but it'll do until I manage to schedule some time for this kind of writing and reflection. I need more of it.
This property is enchanting to me. Below are pictures from two visits. All but the last few of the pictures are from our portion of the property. Makes me all swoony to look at them.
These pictures translate in much the same way that a picture of the beach or a lake does. It's just not nearly as beautiful as it is in person. I don't know that much can be done about this- it's just one of those things you have to use all your senses for. But, I'll give you pictures despite my inability to also give you the smell of wet earth and the sound of birds in the trees.
This hill is towards the front of our portion, and we initially thought it would be the best one to build our house into. South facing, basically cleared already, etc. But, we realized we would rather move it as close to the driveway as possible (which we have yet to create, but we figure less plowing in the future is a good thing). So this hill will become part of the gardens. Thankfully there is another long south facing hill that we will build into, shown a few pictures down.
This is directly behind that hill, on the southernmost border. It will also become garden. All that brush there is wild black raspberries. There is an abundance of these on the property, so I don't mind taking some of it out.
More gardens. I aim to work with the landscape as much as we can, and take out as little woods as possible.
Here is the long hill that we'll put the house into. It's actually kind of hard to make out here, but it's a pretty perfect little spot that would be right up by the edge of the driveway.
The land is so rich and alive, and yet it makes me sad that such a (relatively) small piece of land could inspire so much reflection and peace in me. I suppose it just really highlights how deprived of nature we all truly are. I wonder if this is why I really am looking forward to leaving this big cozy house for a small trailer nestled in the woods here.
Even if all this falls through at the last minute, it has shown me that I really need to make more of an effort to get out into spaces like this. I get outside a lot, but my backyard is a lot different than this.
The creek. Oh I can't wait to see it in the spring.
The creek is extra cool because it originates in a nearby nature preserve, and so we're hoping it's pretty clean. We'll get the water tested and stuff to be sure, but I have visions of splashy kids and polliwog hunts…
This is on our friends' portion of the property. Someone goes hunting here, and left their little tree-chair thing (deer blind?) up. Jeff climbed up there and tested it out.
I am having fun. In other news, Jeff and I and our farming partners (that couple I mentioned a few posts back) have come up with a lovely name for our farm, and we're planning out this next season together with an aim to save lots of seed (which will save us hundreds and hundreds of dollars in the near future), and to actually produce some food for people this year on our city plots. So much swimming around in my head! So much to do, plan, etc., but truly it all comes down to just a deep breath and a step forward. I think I can do that.
I'm feeling a bit out of the habit of writing here, with a week or so between posts. So, I'm going to be posting daily for a little while, just small things. Perhaps some "just doing" posts, and maybe some short "just thinking" ones. So… until tomorrow!
Happy New Year, indeed. How are you all moving into 2012? Tell me!
Latest posts by Gracie (see all)
- On Grace - January 27, 2025
- Let the world be fed - October 21, 2024
- The Encounter - April 19, 2024
Having spent tons of time in the woods, I can totally understand the way you feel even just looking at pictures. That looks like it’s going to be an amazing place to live. 🙂
Yes! It really is only a fraction of the experience that can be translated to a photo. Do you have a lot of parks nearby?
We live only a few miles from a state park, and there are many many others as well. Most of WNY is rural and filled with forested hills. The hiking to do out here is amazing!
What you are doing is truly inspirational. I’m so glad that this opportunity has come your way 🙂
Thank you! I feel so much like I’m just riding a wave, and yet it all seems to be fitting into place so neatly that I just have to trust the process. There’s a lot yet to be seen, and a lot of uncertainty still, so your encouragement is welcome. 🙂
So exciting for you guys! I really hope it all works out:)
Thank you! I feel so behind on your life- it’s so hard for me to get much reading time in. What have I missed?
I just posted an entry, a bit of an update…not that there’s much to say. Not a lot has changed with our situation, still stressful. But Thorin is crawling everywhere now, and growing like crazy, Eilidh is as sweet as ever(getting into lots of mischief!) and also getting so big. I’m hoping 2012 is going to be a better year than 2011, less stress would be nice!
Yay! Great things for 2012!
Grace, the land looks gorgeous. I can feel the mist and hear the birds. 🙂
Very excited to see what’s to come.
I’m moving into 2012 with lots of thoughts on my mind! Trying to make another baby, trying to be a lactation consultant, garden thoughts and trying to convince Paul that we can cut down the dying plum tree to make room for 2 more raised beds (wink). I’m thinking about homeschooling, trying to cross country ski or snowshoe 3 times a week and starting every day with reminding myself to do all that I can *mindfully* and not automatically.
Lovely plans! I am glad to watch you do all that you do. I’m with you on the two more raised beds… not that my vote counts! 😉 Also, I love your thought about mindfulness. So good!
I am so excited to be your lj friend and see what you do with space. I know it will be incredible! Best of luck, although you won’t need it I’m sure!!
Thank you!! A little luck never hurts, either… 🙂
Short driveways = good.
Growing up my best friends lived on a farm where their father had built his house into a hill far, far from the road. To get to the house you had to drive basically across a quarter section of land, and they didn’t gravel it properly so there was actually a month or so each year where they had to park at the far corner of the land and hike in, because the driveway was too muddy to use.
Thanks for this comment! Even with the house a bit closer the driveway will still be a long gravel one. I’ll be sure to mention this story to Jeff so that we really do our research about how to do that right.
Gorgeous photos–I especially like those first few in the snow!
Your plans are all very exciting, and I’ll be glad to be hearing more from you in the next little while. 🙂
Thanks! I am excited to be sharing more, even though there is a lot yet to be seen. 🙂
Those pics are gorgeous! I’m going into 2012 looking forward to more posts from you ;).
I’m curious about your plan for the transition. It may be too early in the process to be planning some of the details, but I was wondering what you’ll do about canning if you’re in a trailer for… how long will it take to build the house? Also, will the kitchen be 3/4 of the house or only half? *winkie face!*
Oh we live for the details… but yes, canning? I am sure I’ll just do it and maybe store all our canned goods creatively. We also will be building a small hoop house for storage, and I really want to live in a yurt as opposed to a trailer, but I am not sure the township will allow it. I’ll try. But yeah, the house will probably take us at least a couple of years to build, although Jeff is a force to be reckoned with, as am I, and I could see it coming together to just be livable very quickly. My new kitchen is going to be AWESOME. 😉 I’m sure we will work something out with friends/family for storing our chest freezer, too. We’ll figure it out. 🙂