Today is my lil brother’s 20th birthday (yay!) and also St. Patty’s day. I live in a college town super close to campus, on a one way street that sort of quiet because of it. It was made into a one way street because people were driving to much on it, and the parking situation (because we’re like a 3 minute walk to campus) was becoming an issue. So we have grown fond of our quiet little street… the one thing that could possibly be a downside is the bar right behind us. It’s kind of hole-in-the-wall, so you don’t get the noisy clubbing crowds, but there are certainly crowds sometimes. This morning there has been screaming and yelling and singing and laughing… I think it’s really funny that people want to get wasted this early, but it’s fine by me. I’m sure we’re in for a treat tonight. I sleep like a rock, but poor Jeff is bound to be up. Because he’s a drummer he says that whenever theres any beat to music he can’t fall asleep. So basically that means any loud party.
I just feel bad for my doggy, earlier she was barking at nothing, I think all the yelling was confusing to her. She’s given it up for now.
I’m going to a peace march today at 1pm. That will probably be my 365 for the day. What’s a better picture than peace in action? After that I’m gonna work on some projects that I have to finish, then probably going to a party down the street where Jeff’s band will be playing.
Okay, i forgot to finish that update. I guess it’s just as well, I have to play some catch up with 365 and I might as well do it all at once.
My life tends to take on themes from time to time… like it’s trying to push something into my head that I thought I knew, but didn’t really know. Not in the way I need to. The theme that it’s taken on lately is peace in turmoil. The eye in the storm. That kind of thing…
I do apologize for the lame picture, but it was late, and I realized I hadn’t gotten a 365 for the day so i snapped this without doing any kind of quality control whatsoever. I went to a panel discussion that my dad participated in. It was for the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice, and while there weren’t many people there, I truly felt a vibrant energy in the room. We were buzzing with goodness and peace… Anyway, my dad is part of a movement called Seamless Garment. It tends to ruffle feathers, it’s sort of radically non-violent.
March 16th:
I took my mom on a date on Friday. We got Vietnamese food, went and saw a free showing of The Last Mimzy, and got really fancy dessert at this swanky restaurant downtown. I got a hazelnut torte. Mmm-mmm. The movie was free because the writer/producer is a University of Michigan graduate- he apparently owns New Line Cinema. So he was there with the other writer to answer questions. Fun!
March 17th:
Peace march was good. Cold but good.
March 18th:
We celebrated my bro’s 20th last night. He’s the farthest to the left. Yay for his birth.
March 19th:
Working on my third batch of kombucha. I love it. I’m a total convert. I was just making one jar’s worth, but we needed more, so i’m now doing double batches. Read about this stuff! It really is something I will drink everyday for health, and would recommend to anyone.
It seriously took me 3 days to get this entry out. Just a testament to my stupidly busy life right now.
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