Gratitude Friday

Feeling very grateful today. Jeff went out last night with a friend in search of more dumpster goodies, and here’s what he found. I seriously can’t believe that so much goes to waste so regularly. If you’re considering doing this- please do it! Needless waste or good free food? I mean, what’s there to think about really?

Apples and oranges galore, a mango, lots of different kinds of bread, organic yogurt and cottage cheese (that just expired that day and is perfectly good). See those packages on the left? Baklava. Lots and lots of baklava. Oh my. (B- let’s meet soon and I’ll tell you where he found it all!)

Plus they found all these discarded fruit crates, which I’m really excited about! I have had a project in mind using crates like this, and I was actually looking into buying them. Now I don’t have to! I’ll keep you updated on what happens with these.

I can’t tell you the last time that I had a bowl full of fruit like this… and these oranges are delicious. Sunshine in every bite, I tell you. The reason I’m guessing they were thrown out? In each bag there was ONE bad orange (which my chickens are devouring as we speak).

And what a treat to have these flowers grace our surfaces…

This stuff is fun. I’m liking that we just went to the store to get butter today, and that’s it. BUT, I don’t really think this feeling of gratitude is about the dumpster diving. It’s more about us, and how much fun I’m having being ourselves and trying new things. We’re adventuring, you know? We’re willing to mess up, to have fun, to be for something… I don’t know. I guess I just feel alive. I’m definitely grateful for that.

This morning I took a tour of the facilities at the drug treatment center I’m the new gardener for. It was amazingly inspiring, and I felt so blessed to have the opportunity to contribute to what they’re doing. They are helping people in a huge way, and I just feel so privileged to be a part of it, even if it’s just getting them some fresh food while they pass through those doors. On the way back from this tour, we all had a conversation about what has helped the organization be as successful as it is (meaning they’ve grown a lot, helped many many people, and continue to get better at what they do). Long story short, they try not to make decisions based on fear. Despite many doubting voices and lots of budgetary constraints through the years, they’ve just made a point to keep doing the next right thing, and here they are- doing better than ever. That’s something when it comes to a non-profit like this. It’s really something to think about. It’s encouraging, to see faith in what’s right materialize into a whole successful community of helping individuals and renewed lives. I’m really grateful to have access to the light that they carry there- hope and love and community. I think I’m going to be gaining a lot more from them than they are from me. So that’s awesome.

Also, I’m grateful for a well-deserved quiet night at home- complete with snacks and movies and watching the snow slowly float down and cover everything in this perfect crisp white blanket.

What are you grateful for?


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