Category: Uncategorized

The Encounter

“Any vision of utopia is an illusion because the Earth is the testing ground for the human spirit. So what would that mean? What would it mean if...

On Practice

Writing more is feeling really good and nourishing, although a few days in I did find I wasn’t up for actually blogging every day. Even so, I’m happy to have it show up and do the work of rewiring and revisiting it as a *practice*, whether it shows up...

Seeds that grow

My writing didn’t land here yesterday, but rather in the notes app on my phone. Still putting words down every day so far! I can already feel how generative the practice is- writing, for me, really works like a muscle.

Herby, the free-range bun

We haven’t had a ton of visitors to the farm lately, but when we have they often get alarmed to see a domestic rabbit hopping around the area. “Oh, that’s just Herby” we’ll say.

One and done

Day 3! I’m so pleased to actually find myself here, writing. I actually felt a bit convicted earlier today when I heard some very sound advice from a fellow homemaker who I follow online. She said she has a dreamy nature, and so she’s had to integrate some ideas...

Writing for Lent

40 days of writing and sharing. Can I commit to it? I happened to get a post in yesterday, so I’m off to a good start! I have actually always loved the idea of Lent, even though I don’t do any kind of distinct religious observation of it. In...

Happy Winter Solstice!

Happy belated winter solstice! Occasionally we get around to plopping ourselves on a couch and taking a family picture. What a privilege to have this little...

Barn Raising

This past weekend Jeff and some new friends of ours worked to put up a roof over our porch. It was a lovely day, perfect...

On Art, AI, and Cultural Poverty

I just read a beautiful article written by Amanda Palmer (a lovely artist that I admire for so many reasons) all about Frida Kahlo. It was short and sweet and yet it said so much about why art is important to humans. Frida is an artist that we...