Author: Gracie

Farming and things, Part 2


Go here for Part 1.

3) The land.

When we received the (formerly) crushing news about our plans having to change on the land, I spent some time going out there to think. I’d spend a few minutes walking around, poking at...

Farming and things, Part 1.

There have been a lot of updates on the life/work front. I haven’t written much about it because things change so much and I never really know what to report. I figured I should just write about where we *are* and not so much where we *plan to be*....

Oh for the love of eggplant!

I harvested the last of the eggplant and peppers from the hoop house almost two weeks ago when they were killed by frost. Most of the eggplants themselves were in really good shape, so I gathered what wasn’t damaged intent on...

Let that be my vision

“Work hard, play mostly.” My little brother said those four simple words when he was 3 years old or so. Ever since, it’s been a staple in our family-quote repertoire. I’ve been invoking the power of that little saying lately. It...

A new house with a spruce tree out back

It’s been about a month since my last post. Since the last update we have signed a lease and moved out of Jeff’s dad’s basement and into the top floor of a house, back in the heart of Ypsi where I need to be....

I wanted adventure…

I've been wanting to write here for days, but our circumstances change like the wind and I can't seem to get my bearings. I really love this space to write, not only for its therapeutic value, but also as documentation of our journey. I love going back an reading...

A year older (and grayer)

The past two weeks saw me through into a new decade. I celebrated my 30th birthday with lots of smiles and my sweet family by my side. I also celebrated my 9th wedding anniversary with Jeff. So many big things, big feelings. I was asked what I felt about...


I love the things we happen upon after hours. The kids have enjoyed a full day of play, and we've gone about our own day dealing with all that grown-up stuff. So often I find remnants of their sweet silly stories after they are tucked into bed and my...

Dark, juicy, healing abundance.

Last night Vera had gathered these things from a friend's garden, including a dozen or so unidentified seeds that she found on the ground. She put them in a cup and declared them to be for her fairy garden. This morning she got to work, spreading compost out in...