Ala hum dooley lai.

I’m going to Jeff’s cousin’s bridal shower today. I hate to say it, but I sort of get uncomfortable at these kinds of things. Especially because I’ve only seen her like twice, and she lives in Texas. Ah well, I remember really appreciating it. I also remember being, without a doubt, more uncomfortable than anyone in the room, so I should just go and stop thinking about myself. Ok. Done.

Katy’s home now, and it’s great being able to spend an hour with her and not be worried that I won’t have enough time with her before she leaves. She lives here now! Yay!

May 23rd:
My herb garden. I’ve got oregano, basil (leaf, sweet, and Thai), cilantro, parsley, thyme (lemon and regular), sage, and this curry thing that looks like rosemary. I still need to plant rosemary and dill.

I also filled the bed right behind it that night with jalepenos, eggplant, and squash (zucchini, acorn, and butternut).
Unfortunately, since then Maya has found it to be a great little pathway between the back steps and the other part of the yard. So I keep finding little footprints in my newly planted squash hills. Grrr. We put up a barrier of chicken wire on the side right by the herbs, so hopefully that will help.
Jeff finally built the last raised bed a couple of days ago (it’s going to be my salad garden) but it’s been so rainy I haven’t been able to move the dirt or plant. After I do that the garden is done! Well, it’s never really done, but phase 1 is done 🙂

May 24th:
I was at work at 7am feeling very sleepy and I got this feeling… Do I really have to come here every day? I guess ever since the semester ended I feel like there’s not enough spice at work. BORING. Anyway, I know that will pass soon, I just need to find a rhythm.

May 25th:

May 26th:
We made a Thai tofu curry last night. Yum. Spicy.

May 27th:
I love Sunday mornings. My family is so sweet to me.

Well, I have to get a move on. Gift registries await.


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