Tag: scary-awesome

Vera is five.

Okay, I know I said I'd write everyday, but who am I kidding? How about just more. More is good. The past couple of days have been fantastic, all told. I needed it, too. I needed a dose of fantastic. But I'll save that for tomorrow and keep this...

Up on Triple Tree…

I've decided to night-wean this little guy. He's coming up on two, he's got most of his teeth, and I haven't had a full nights sleep in over 4 years. It feels like time. I started talking to him about it a few days ago, and he happily went...

Earth Day

Over the past week I’ve been thinking about what to do for this day, and I just found myself in a cynical place. My youthful idealism has pretty much gone out the window when it comes to this kind of thing. Basically, I used to think that recycling and...


This video has been making me smile all day. It’s really worth the watch.

Anyway, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here- but my sister and I have coined the term "scary-awesome" to describe so much of the stuff that saturates our conversations these days. You know, the...