
I love the things we happen upon after hours. The kids have enjoyed a full day of play, and we've gone about our own day dealing with all that grown-up stuff. So often I find remnants of their sweet silly stories after they are tucked into bed and my...

Dark, juicy, healing abundance.

Last night Vera had gathered these things from a friend's garden, including a dozen or so unidentified seeds that she found on the ground. She put them in a cup and declared them to be for her fairy garden. This morning she got to work, spreading compost out in...

Day 3.

I spaced on a birthday post for my sweet Asa James. He turned four at the end of July. Four! I can hardly believe my little is so big. That's how these things go, I suppose. I do think about his birth each year. Usually I look at...

Day 2.

We had a really full day today and I was just about to sink mindlessly into the evening when I remembered my commitment here. Day two, here we are.

I thought I would do a quick microgreen/farm update, since we harvested and did our deliveries this morning and I snapped...


There's so much to cover, I'm not entirely sure where to start. I've decided that in honor of my grandmother I'm going to try to post everyday for a while, even if it's just a picture and a few words. I haven't had reliable access to the internet, not...

Helen Balmer, 6/19/26 – 8/1/14

We lost my grandma this morning. I got the opportunity to talk to her yesterday, and was surprised by my words and how little was actually important in that moment. I told her I loved her. I expressed my deep gratitude for her. I told her how grateful I...

Big update. House stuff, us stuff, food stuff.

The closer we get to moving and the closing date, the more happy and peaceful I've been feeling. I can't express how grateful I am to feel that deep knowing peace right in the middle of the craziness. I have good instincts, and I'm working to learn more about...

Here we go.

We just spent a delicious weekend away at a beautiful lake with family and friends. I needed this little trip so badly. We're right back to business now. When last I wrote here I finished the entry just as I received word that the first...

It’s all a big mistake.

For all the hassle that getting a house "show ready" can be, especially while living in it with little ones, I certainly like the aftermath. Now we're all camped out at my parent's house and we're just relaxing while the fan oscillates and sun streams in the windows.