Tag: wednesday food post

WFP: Sourdough things and lots of garden goodness

So I was planning on doing one sourdough thing a day last week, but things rarely go as planned around here… What I did do was fun! Also, today I’ll be making sourdough crackers again (delicious things!) but that won’t make it into this post. 

I worked on really revitalizing...

WFP: More sourdough, greens, and pickles!

Since I’m such a newbie when it comes to sourdough, and bread making in general, I’ve decided to just go for it and do at least one sourdough thing a day for a while. I haven’t been making bread often enough to feel comfortable with it, and my results...

WFP: Sharing and chia seeds.

I wasn’t quite sure what to post about this week- the humidity and my big ol’ belly have left me doing the bare minimum, food-wise. That’s okay though, lots of salads and simple stuff. But yesterday, being in that funk, I felt inspired by the end of the day...

WFP: simpler and closer

Last night we experimented with the pasta maker. So. much. fun. My sister came to help- it was a pasta party! I don’t see myself buying pasta again, unless I really want it in a certain shape or something. It was hardly any work at all. I’m excited to...

WFP: Seasonal goodness

I’m just going to go with "WFP" now, rather than "Wednesday Food Post"… just because that makes sense and I can be lazy like that. 🙂

Today I was thinking all about how great it’s been to make the commitment to eat more locally. I can’t say I’m a complete...

Wednesday food post- food storage progress.

I’m so glad to see those little sprouts in my garden- soon we’ll have more food than we know what to do with… although I’m sure I’ll figure something out. I went to farmers market today and bought some asparagus (which I plan to make some cream of asparagus...

Wednesday food post- experimenting with water kefir!

You know how I’m all about those probiotic fermented things? Well, a while back I ordered kefir grains for milk. You may have seen this stuff at the store- it’s like a more liquid yogurt that’s even more nutritious and probiotic. It’s also really good for people with lactose-intolerance...

Wednesday food post: More adventures in sourdough!

I’ve had some fun with sourdough this week. I’m finding that we don’t need two loaves of bread a week- so while the second loaf is just fine in the fridge that whole time, I think I’ll pare it down and just bake one loaf each week to keep...

Wednesday food post: Farmer’s market and other stuff…

Farmer’s market! I forgot to go on opening day last Tuesday, but I was able to walk down to the smaller market on Saturday with my friend   to see what we could find. Look at all that loot! I got radishes, asparagus, rhubarb, swiss chard, celeriac, and some fresh...

Wednesday food post: Foraging, Part 1

One of my big goals over the next couple of years is to get better at identifying local edible plants and harvesting them. I have visions of baskets of morels and wild asparagus, but we’ll see. Until then, I have my backyard. This time of year is a gold...