Tag: waste not

WFP: Turkey

Ever since I slaughtered my own chickens I feel a much greater desire to not waste anything on an animal. Ever since starting a vegetable garden I feel bad about any part of the plant being wasted. My guilt about slimy vegetables at the bottom of the crisper is...

WFP: Sweet dreaming…

The garden. I’m ready. I’m so, so ready. I’d love to say that I’m one of those Michiganders who doesn’t sink into a hole at the end of February, but I can’t. I’m not as bad as some- I still push myself to get out into it, and I...

WFP: When disaster strikes!

I hope you’ll forgive my absence the past week. I was either nursing the sick or being sick myself (and I unfortunately got the worst of it!), and it hardly left me room to write, let alone think. But, today, dear Wednesday, I feel better! It was funny, too-...

WFP: Waste not want not…

So I have this idea. I realized the other day, while I was creating a soup out of the remaining bits of my broccoli plants, that I could write a cookbook… maybe. I mean, I experiment all the time, and I actually made a really tasty broccoli soup out...