Tag: save the world

Bring it home.

Lately I've been hit with these philosophical fits that I just have to spill out onto the page. I carry around a small notebook with me to jot down thoughts when they happen. I've wanted to share them, but often don't because it's a lot of stream of consciousness...

Part normal post, part… well, I might piss someone off.

The weather shifted so suddenly recently. From high 90s and thick air to cool breezy reaching-for-a-sweater weather. I am peeking out at my 50 tomato plants and wondering if we'll get as many as I thought we would… no matter, none will be wasted. A green tomato is lovely...

Photo Meme (plus more)

Here I am, just in from working in the garden. I like that this meme is going around- it’s good to see people as they are. 

When you read this you’re tagged! Take a picture of you in your current state, no changing your clothes or quickly putting on makeup....

WFP: What can I give back?

There’s this quote from A Language Older Than Words that has stuck with me, and I wanted to share it here.

"Part of our task as members of a community is to feed each other. I thought again of our fundamental inversion of all relatedness, of how we nearly always...

What day is it? Sunday… and it’s August, too!

If there’s anything that you’ll hear me say about the process of natural birth, it’s that it is loaded with glimpses into the nature of life- the intimate and impermeable relationship between so many things, often things that we pretend are very separate from each other. Pain and pleasure,...

Not yet!

No, no baby yet, although I do feel like it’s coming very soon… not due until Monday, although practically every phone call I’ve received today has started with a "So? What’s happening? Any baby?"… I’m fairly certain that this happens to practically every full-term pregnant woman, so I just...

I’m a Jensen junkie…

"We fear death. And not just the death that all experience, but another that scares us far more than the real death that comes at the end of our phony lives. This other death that we fear even more comes before the real death- sometimes long before- if it...

Sprouting time!

This is Vera’s new bear. She was totally stuck to it at the thrift store while I was looking for fabric scraps and stuff, and I couldn’t resist getting it for her- plus it was only a couple bucks. When I asked her the bear’s name, she told me...

Earth Day

Over the past week I’ve been thinking about what to do for this day, and I just found myself in a cynical place. My youthful idealism has pretty much gone out the window when it comes to this kind of thing. Basically, I used to think that recycling and...

Wednesday food post: Real food is in danger!

My last food post was about raw milk. I wrote that post in part to spread awareness about it, but also in part because it’s a food item that is currently in danger. In the past month there were several members of my raw milk cooperative that got sick....