Tag: jensen

Not yet!

No, no baby yet, although I do feel like it’s coming very soon… not due until Monday, although practically every phone call I’ve received today has started with a "So? What’s happening? Any baby?"… I’m fairly certain that this happens to practically every full-term pregnant woman, so I just...

I’m a Jensen junkie…

"We fear death. And not just the death that all experience, but another that scares us far more than the real death that comes at the end of our phony lives. This other death that we fear even more comes before the real death- sometimes long before- if it...

Earth Day

Over the past week I’ve been thinking about what to do for this day, and I just found myself in a cynical place. My youthful idealism has pretty much gone out the window when it comes to this kind of thing. Basically, I used to think that recycling and...

Violence, Part II. Sort of.

I was listening to NPR yesterday in the car and heard an interesting interview of a man who is a defense lawyer for death row inmates in Texas. He talked about the stress of the job, how ordinary murderers look, etc. He mentioned that most death row inmates don’t...

On violence.

I’ve been thinking a lot about violence lately, and how I really feel about it. I know, I know, but bear with me. My whole life I’ve subscribed to this radical nonviolent movement, which essentially believes that all violence is interwoven and to allow for some allows for all...

Ramble ramble

I know I was supposed to do a post about food, but it’ll have to wait. I’m bound to talk about food in this post, so that should count, right? Right. I think part of my reluctance is because I’ve been thinking a little TOO much lately, about everything...