Tag: food storage

Wednesday Food Post

Oh we are having fun over here. Food has been a mix of silly over-the-top creations or really simple stick-to-your-ribs kind of fare. A good balance during these cold months. My sister and I saw a recipe for baklava made with brie, and we had to make it. In...

WFP: Foraging fun

Wednesday food post! It's been so long!

Spring eating is here and I'm loving every minute of it. There was a point in the middle of winter where I was a little souped-out and we were buying citrus fruit just to make up the difference. We still ate well, but...

WFP: And so it begins…

I’m actually starting to remember the way this time of year feels… this dance we do around here. Everything in the garden starts to plump up and it starts coming in faster than we know how to handle. I fill baskets and big bowls with everything the garden offers...

WFP: The final tally

The garden is down to bare bones- only some kale, swiss chard, and our towering luffa plants remain. Oh, and brussels sprouts, which unfortunately seem to be infested with some kind of bug. Soon the garlic will be planted, we’ll harvest the luffa, and everything will be quiet out...

WFP: More food storage

Our nights are getting colder, dipping down into the low 40s at night. I know this mild weather is coming to a close, and so I’ve just got to harvest everything I can before we lose anything to frost. I’m picking away at it as best I can, and...

Photo Meme (plus more)

Here I am, just in from working in the garden. I like that this meme is going around- it’s good to see people as they are. 

When you read this you’re tagged! Take a picture of you in your current state, no changing your clothes or quickly putting on makeup....

Food storage thoughts…

Tonight I’ll be processing more beans, making yogurt, making eggplant parmesan (at Jeff’s request), and reorganizing (or rather, organizing, it’s so crazy up there!) my craft space. I noticed yesterday or the day before that the beans were looking harvestable again, and so I went out on this deliciously...